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Chief Executive Information Ambassador

CHIEF  Executive INFORMATION Ambassador 

My motivation

To see our light and to be able to showcase their talents.

My Job Description


1) Identify main client groups and audiences and determine the best way to communicate publicity information to them.
2) Write interesting and effective press releases, prepare information for media kits and develop and maintain company internet or intranet web pages.
3) Develop and maintain the company’s corporate image and identity, which includes the use of logos and signage.
4) Manage communications budgets.
5) Manage special events such as sponsorship of races, parties introducing new products, or other activities the firm supports in order to gain public attention through the media without advertising directly.
6) Draft speeches for company executives, and arrange interviews and other forms of contact for them.
7) Assign, supervise and review the activities of public relations staff.

8) Evaluate advertising and promotion programs for compatibility with public relations efforts.

We Empower You

To Be You.

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